157: Telenovela Love. How to let go of our toxic impression of love.

How to let go of our toxic impression of love.

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In episode 157 of DIFERENTE, I catch up with my friend, fellow podcaster and artist, Stephania Ramos to chat about the common thread that unites so many of us multi cultural folks, the idea that love needs to be somewhat toxic to be real. I call this type of love, "amor de telenovela", you know where slapping someone is a turn on, "no" often means "yes", and being passive aggressive and playing hard to get is the only way to win.

That's the impression of love Stephania and I had growing up, and it stained every relationship we both had. Until one day we each realized the secret to letting go of that toxic idea of love had nothing to do with other people or canceling Telenovelas, and everything to do with ourselves.

En este episodio de DIFERENTE, me vuelvo a conectar con mi BFF de Aguascalientes, Mexico-Stephania Ramos-después de mas de 20 años de no saber nada de ella. Platicamos sobre las adversidades que vivimos debido al choque cultural de mudarnos a Estados Unidos, y cómo estas experiencias nos enseñaron a amarnos a nosotros mismos y a nuestros acentos.


Latina media producer and curiosity expert Maribel Quezada Smith brings you the bilingual podcast, DIFERENTE. Where we celebrate and explore the complexities of living life between two (or more) cultures. Learn, grow and be inspired by stories and interviews about cultural identity, questioning the norm, and becoming empowered, among other topics that relate to the bicultural experience.

JOIN ME ON INSTAGRAM or TWITTER: @Maribel_QS. And learn more about me at maribelqs.com


Producer, Maribel Quezada Smith
Editor: Julian Rodriguez
Diferente theme music by Andres Sierra


158 Spanish Episode: Cómo vivir entre la intuición y la perfección.


156: Culture Shock. El Choque Cultural De Emigrar a Estados Unidos.